School’s In Session - Or Not Quite Yet…
K-12, both public and private, as well as colleges and universities are struggling to make finite decisions on how to re-open amidst the COVID pandemic. Media outlets have reported that some schools have opened their doors, then reversed the decision afterward, with a plan for the future yet to be set in place.
Is the answer partial reopening, reduced student bodies with rotation of attendance, or an indefinite physical closure with virtual education until coronavirus cases deplete?
Parents and students alike are rapidly growing concerned, as the safety of our youth is paramount, with proper day care and education a close second. Not to mention the billions of tax dollars and private funds allocated for schooling with the quality and success of virtual education under scrutiny.
What can educational facilities do beyond enhanced cleaning, social distancing, and wearing masks, which may pose as a possible distraction for younger students?
NeverGerms® has a solution to ease the transition going Back to School!
Antimicrobial wraps and labels for high touch surfaces. Proven effective, they reduce germs wherever they are applied.
Imagine the number of students entering a school at the beginning of the day. Those door handles are touched by everyone!
Now imagine these touch points with germ-reducing wraps around them, continuously zapping bacteria, mold, and fungi between each use.
Check out the results from laboratory tests conducted by Dr. Gregory R. Wiedman at Seton Hall University of NeverGerms® antimicrobial surface covers, to prove their effectiveness.
The application process is simple, and the solution is cost-effective.
This technology is a game-changer, and can be utilized virtually anywhere. From student and teacher desk tops to bathroom faucets and toilet flush wands, entry and exit doors, ADA door handles, crash bars and push pads, light switches, auditorium and stadium chair arms, hallway and stairway railings, the list goes on.
Even consider the many shared items in a classroom, lecture hall or dormitory; from computer mouse pads to water fountains, these are protect-able too!
NeverGerms is a tremendous supplement for protecting students and staff alike, whether reopening is full or partial, and whether it happens today, tomorrow, or in the foreseeable future.
Join the NeverGerms team in transforming the most high-traffic surfaces into cleaner points of contact.
Need help choosing from NeverGerms germ resistant wraps? Looking for a custom solution? Want more information? Send us an email!
We would love to help you create a cleaner and safer space.